Many teams using Fabric ask about which labels they should use for non-OSS projects. Here are some thoughts- feel free to comment!

Why use labels?

๐Ÿงถ Grouping similar issues.

If an engineer is working on performance issues on iOS, for example, they can get more work done in less time by being able to find issues marked performance and iOS.

๐Ÿ“Š Tracking engineering work.

By tagging issues, you can answer questions related to # bugs vs. features, what areas you may need to hire in, and what skills the team may need to build.

โ˜„๏ธ Determining priority or urgency.

Labels like bug and security may indicate high urgency, while cleanup and internal may indicate low urgency. This will make it faster to prioritize work.

What you want your labels to tell you:

(sorted by most important)

1. If the issue is a bug or not.

Having a bug label is important, because it's a quick way to see if your app is stable before you add features.

2. Which product the issue involves.

If your team has multiple products, having product 1, product 2, etc. labels helps engineers batch their work. If they're assigned to

3. Which platform the issue involves.

If your products involve multiple platforms (ios, web, Slack app), those labels can help engineers further batch their work.

4. Which skillsets the issue involves.

Labels like security, frontend, and infrastructure may help your team decide who to give the issue to.